Welcome to the LionLists E-Mail Forum Portal
The LionLists E-Mail Forums are E-Mail discussion lists that are available to anyone with a Lion-Mail address (that is, addresses ending in .LION
Topics that can be discussed include anything that you want - If you don't see a list on a topic that you want, just ask the moderator to create a new discussion list and it will be created.
These are exclusive E-Mail lists - only people with .LION addresses can participate in these discussions and the archives and list information pages are only available to people who have configured their computers to use Inclusive Namespace DNS servers. The good news is that it takes only 10 seconds to configure your computer to use the INS servers and its free of charge. If you click on the "Go To The LionLists Information Page" link below and your browser gives you an error, you will need to follow the instructions HERE to allow your computer to see ALL of the internet.
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